[QuadList] Seconds to Play: 2" quad playback and more.

COURYHOUSE at aol.com COURYHOUSE at aol.com
Sun Jun 10 15:52:38 CDT 2012


you said" I bet Andy went through three or four cigarette packs or  little 
cigar packs during a game. I know Joe Aceti would."

I think the  brand    Andy was smoking   was  MORE  I likes them too as  if 
 I was actively smoking  them  they  would stay lit but also   would  go 
out  if  just sitting or easy to  park in an out state. at the rate he  was  
going then figuring the  rest of the  day I  would  calc  3 packs a day.
of cIn a message dated 6/10/2012 11:39:39 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  
park at videopark.com writes:

Could  have been a Chyron III. The IV and 4100 had similar  keyboards.

Interesting that ABC made their own sports font. It was a  copy of a 
Helvetica bold italic. No one else used that font.

I was  usually the guy to pick up Jackson at the airport, bring him to the 
hotel and  then buy his White Horse scotch. H was very nice to me and was 
one of the best  sports announcers ever.

You didn't want to be part of the "Fleming  Project". Bill could be tough 
to work with.

Howard and Sidaris were  great but tough. I like one of the lines where the 
slo-mo was not working.  Chuck says, "you are all maintenance engineers. 
Fix it!".

I bet Andy  went through three or four cigarette packs or little cigar 
packs during a  game. I know Joe Aceti would.

We still park the trucks in the exact  same place at the Coliseum.

Camera direction is the same today. Camera  2 does kickoffs. During the 
game, cams 1, 2 or 3 are the game camera depending  on where the line of 
scrimmage is located. Then the other two up cameras pick  off pass receivers or 
running backs. So if camera 1 has the ball, 2 and 3 know  what to shoot. The 
end zone camera 4 usually just has the game and coaches  between plays. 5 is 
the cart that gets the quarterback and 6/7 is handheld  color.

There is an ESPN handheld cameraperson today called "Peaches".  Don't know 
if it is the same person.

Still have spotters in the booth  to help the announcers call the right 

Count to commercial was  usually a 10 count. It gave the Quads at network 
plenty of time to lock up and  also the announcer to finish their thought. 
The screw up on the video was  Chuck's fault. The spots came from New York and 
were inserted there. Roger was  talking to New York and the TD there would 
switch to the commercial. The NY TD  is not listening to Chuck. Roger tries 
to call off the switch but too late.  However, once the spot was on the air, 
the NY TD should not have switched back  to the game.

Chuck said to roll the commercial and then go to the  replay. Not enough 
time. Today, they don't need to countdown since everything  is an instant roll.


C. Park Seward
Cell:  818-535-2747
Home: 541-476-6657
2" Quad and 1" "C" transfers
The  Transfer Lab at Video Park
Visit us:  http://www.videopark.com

On Jun 8, 2012, at 11:25 PM, Scott  Thomas wrote:

> In the film, I see the "Chyron" keyboards. I know  what a 4100 Keyboard 
look like. Was that an older keyboard style for Chyron?  My first thought was 
that maybe it was a Vidifont

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