[QuadList] EBU Tech Mag

Charles Park Seward park at videopark.com
Tue Dec 3 10:49:32 CST 2013

Mark sent me this message of interest:

I got a wonderful tip from the current issue of the European Broadcasting Union's Tech-i magazine <http://tech.ebu.ch/docs/tech-i_018.pdf>. ALL of the old UK Independent Broadcasting Authority's Technical Reviews have been scanned by Gordon Drury and made available on the NTL Pension Association website <http://www.ntlpa.org.uk/memorabilia>. A few (DMAC, DICE, teletext) are dated and will be of interest most to history buffs, but others (Technical Reference, Vade Mecum) are still chock full of useful info.



C. Park Seward
Cell: 818-535-2747
Home: 541-476-6657
2" Quad and 1" "C" transfers and more
The Transfer Lab at Video Park
Visit us: http://www.videopark.com

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