[QuadList] DVD vs Blu-Ray
James Snyder
snyder at dtvexpress.net
Mon Dec 23 12:36:06 CST 2013
If the label says "NTSC" it means 29.97, not 30fps. This may seem to
be splitting hairs, but for those of us who archive video materials
there is a meaningful technical difference between 29.97 fps and 30
fps. There actually is 30 fps material being produced today, and it
doesn't always play nicely with 29.97 equipment unless it's slowed
down properly.
PAL and SECAM (and all 576 line digital video) is 25.00 fps, of course.
Then there is the whole Drop Frame vs. Non-drop frame time code
thing. I can't wait for the day when we no longer need Drop Frame
time code.
Additionally, "YUV" is a misnomer as well. YUV is the term used for
PAL & SECAM variant of YPbPr component color difference encoding in
the ISO international analog television standards. YIQ was NTSC's
term. YPbPr is the proper terminology for component color difference
signals, like those used in MPEG-2 encoded video on DVDs. Hence, you
CANNOT use the term "YUV" when talking about NTSC coded video. Oh,
the irony. However, since "YUV" seems to be easier to use as a term
than "YPbPr" to the vendors who write the manuals, software and
documentation (and most of those vendors are in former YUV countries)
the misuse of YUV terminology continues.
Trivia question for the group: why does the 29.97 frame rate exist?
James Snyder
Senior Systems Administrator
Library of Congress -
National Audio Visual Conservation Center (NAVCC)
Motion Picture, Broadcasting & Recorded Sound Division (MBRS)
Packard Campus for Audio Visual Conservation
>Sometimes the NTSC label simple means 30 fps, and PAL 25fps
>RMC Media Partnership
>On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 5:24 PM, Steve White
><<mailto:Steve.White at 800callnow.com>Steve.White at 800callnow.com>
>Fred & Tony,
>Thank you for your replies. Both are helpful.
>I did not have VLC. Just downloaded it from cnet. VLC reports:
>Codec: MPEG-1/2 Video (mpgv)
>Resolution: 720x480
>Decoded format: Planar 4:2:0 YUV
>Which leaves just one question. Is it technically correct to label
>this as an NTSC DVD, or should it be labeled something else?
>Warm regards,
>On 12/23/13 12:07 PM, Fred Kovach wrote:
>>Hi Steve,
>It prob is 480i anamorphic. Many bluray players will play whatever
>is in them at 1080p. Anamorphic refers to a 16:9 being squeezed into
>a 4:3 picture, which is then stretched out to the full 16:9 screen
>on the monitor.
>That being said, TQ's advice to use VLC is your best between to find
>out what format it's in.
>Take care,
>Fred and Crystal Kovach,
>along with Phillip, Stephen and Hope.
>Your missionaries using media technology to reach our world for Jesus!
>Voice: <tel:417.848.8381>417.848.8381
>Main Webpage: <http://www.fredcrystal.com/>www.fredcrystal.com
>Ministry Information:
>Sent from my iPhone
>On Dec 23, 2013, at 10:53 AM, "Steve White"
><<mailto:Steve.White at 800CallNow.com>Steve.White at 800CallNow.com>
>>Thanks for the opportunity to ask, can someone help me get a better
>>grasp of DVD vs Blu-Ray formats?
>>I recently received a video disc labeled as an NTSC DVD of the
>>Garth Brooks "Blame It All On My Roots" performance in Las Vegas.
>>Playback on my Blu-Ray deck displays as full screen on a new
>>Panasonic plasma screen capable of 1080p without obvious aspect
>>ratio distortions.
>>Garth's performance is incredible; lighting, camera work, audio,
>>direction all are great. Apparently, there is currently no Blu-Ray
>>disc available.
>>- Is it technically correct to label the DVD as NTSC when the image
>>displayed is 16:9?
>>- What's the likely resolution/format? Any suggestions on how I
>>could have confirmed that without asking you?
>>Many thanks,
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