[QuadList] Flash floods in North Carolina--We hope our QuadListmembers, families are OK--

Don Norwood dwnorwood at embarqmail.com
Sun Jul 28 17:09:58 CDT 2013

Hi Ted:

Thanks for the thoughts.  Everything is fine here.  As you know, we're 
located on Lake Hickory, but we're elevated about  30' above full pond, so 
flooding is not an issue.  However, it was a serious rain event!  Our 
electronic weather station recorded 6.37" of rain over a span of 36 hours, 
but much of it occured in a few very heavy downpours.  An overloaded gutter 
did cause a small leak that resulted in a puddle of water under an unused 
VR-1100.  The water vac quickly took care of that, and no harm was done.

Don Norwood
Digitrak Communications, Inc.

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