[QuadList] colouriser

Ian Mackenzie ian at chromatronics.com
Sun Oct 20 16:59:56 CDT 2013

The unit looks to be similar to the COXBOX which was made by Michael Cox
in the UK.
Any monochrome source could be fed in and colourised to separate colours
in black, grey, and white.

Ian - 
it is  sort of  like  just  spot  color  for  ads  right?   it  can not

magically Ted Turner  colorize movies.... right?

Ed it was fitted with 3 slide pots for  low level black end of the video
levels, 3 sliders for the mid section and 3 for the high levels well as
"clip" level controls.
Any colour and luminance could be selected by the settings of the
sliders for each luminance range.

With a monochrome camera and a white on black graphic for instance by
setting the "low" sliders to a dark blue and the "high" ones to a Yellow
then a Yellow on Blue graphic resulted.

By defocussing the camera slightly and setting the "mid" sliders to
black it was possible to get an outline in black around the text as the
defocussed area was grey.

They were also extensively used here to create effects in "Pop Clips"

As it was in fact a 3 level matte it could not of course do
colourisation of grey scale like the Ted Turner processes. 

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