[QuadList] AMPEX Documentation Needed

Don Norwood dwnorwood at embarqmail.com
Wed Dec 10 10:23:20 CST 2008

This is a little off-topic, but might actually end up being quad related. 
I'm looking for documentation on an Ampex ACE MIF interface.  This is a box 
that was made to interface either Sony Type-5 or parallel controlled decks 
to an ACE Editor.  I have the MIF, but no documentation, and I'd like to use 
the box to control some non-RS-422 decks, even possibly basic control of a 
VR-1200.  Yes, I know that the 1200 isn't designed for this sort of 
application, but curious (and dangerous) minds are at work here......

If you have any info, please let me know and thanks for any help!


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