[QuadList] 15,000 hours of quad tape to be transfered

Dennis Degan DennyD1 at verizon.net
Mon Mar 2 17:35:33 CST 2009

		On Mar 2, 2009, at 12:02 PM, Don Norwood wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dennis Degan"

> Wow.  Yes, he was my boss.  Have you seen my 1977 'tour' of WRET?  I 
> thread up a VR-1200 and show off an ACR-25, as well as a whole bunch 
> of other stuff:
> <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mw4S2VD-zVM>
> <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGA-GoSgPiY>

 > Those links sent me to some WIS segments but I found the WRET 'tour'. 
Thanks, I had not seen that!

		I blush:

	Oops, I linked the wrong clips!  Glad you were able to locate the WRET 
Tour OK.
	(For the record, here are the correct links:

		Don continued:

 > My first visits there were prior to that in the early days of 
Turner's ownership.  They did have a pair of 1200's, but only a single 
waveform monitor between them with an external box that allowed both 
signals to be seen in a "split" display.  There were Envirozones over 
the macines.  The switcher was a Riker, and the studio cameras were GE. 
  I remember some discussion of using someone other than Ampex to 
rebuild heads, but that was not possible because the machines were 
financed by Ampex and they still 'owned' the heads.

		I say:

	That was well before my tenure at WRET.  As you saw from the tour, the 
station had 3 VR-1200's fully equipped with VelComps, DOC's, and 
Auto-Chromas.  They made beautiful playbacks.  The Evirozones were over 
all 3 VR-1200's as I recall.  The mastering machine was an AVR-2 with 
Editec (the tour was originally recorded on it).  I helped install the 
3 Norelco PC-100 cameras that must have replaced the GE's.  The video 
switcher was a GV 1600 which had split busses between Production 
Control and Master Control.
	Barr was a good boss and engineer.

			Dennis Degan, Editor-Consultant-Knowledge Bank
	  				NBC Today Show, New York

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