[QuadList] TCR-100

Dennis Degan DennyD1 at verizon.net
Wed Feb 3 08:19:56 CST 2010

		On Feb 3, 2010, at 1:13 AM, Scott Thomas wrote:

 > The TCR at WBBH had those thumbwheels that you would turn to select 
the cart bay and duration I believe (And perhaps other things). I 
visited WFLA in the late 1980's with my brother and they had two TCRs. 
I remember at least one of them had some sort of electroluminescent 
display and a keypad. How did that thing work? Was there some sort of 
digital code put on the tape's cue track? I assume there was some way 
to integrate the TCR into a computer traffic system?

		I reply:

	There was, but I don't think that panel had anything to do with 
external computer traffic systems.  The electroluminescent display you 
describe was a part of every TCR I worked with.  I'm pretty sure it was 
used for programming cart playback order and how many carts were to be 
played in each sequence.  I wish I could remember more about it though.

			Dennis Degan, Video Editor-Consultant-Knowledge Bank
	  					NBC Today Show, New York

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