[QuadList] VR2000 Control Issue

Chill315 at aol.com Chill315 at aol.com
Thu Aug 11 09:53:41 CDT 2011

There was a recent posting about the head and capstan still spinning after  
the tape came to an end.
I looked at the Intersync and VR-1200 control system.  The best guess  is 
that if the VR-2000 has the same or similar control box with the relays, then 
 the ready relay is sticking.  The control box should have a removable 
cover  and the big power resistors that set torque on the motors.  That is if it 
 has a similar design.  I have the books for a B model 1200 and the time  
delay was changed to solid state some where along the line.  But that  should 
not make a real difference.
Caution, there is lethal voltages on the power resistor.
Best solution is to let the machine get in the defective mode.  Then  tap 
each relay to see if one is sticking.  Clean and burnish the  contacts.  If 
not, then it is replace the relay time.
Chris Hill
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