[QuadList] Vital... Gainesville

David Crosthwait david at dcvideo.com
Mon Feb 28 22:00:31 CST 2011

> Now for bonus points, who knows what the SEG is?  Riker?


On Feb 28, 2011, at 7:48 PM, Don Norwood wrote:

> With all the mentions of TS-40 switchers, it made me dig out some old pictures from the early 70's.  At that time, I was working at an educational facility.  We had more time than money, and we got a large TS-40 that came from a military facility where it had been a router.  We rebuilt the parts of it we needed, added an appropriate mix amp and SEG, even fabricated our own joystick assembly for the wipe positioner, and put it all together with a new control panel.  It didn't look like a TS-40 anymore (well the racks did) but it served us very well. 
> Now for bonus points, who knows what the SEG is?
> <HCSTV TS40 sml.jpg>
> Shortly after that, encouraged by our fabricating experience, a couple of us got into the business of building audio consoles.  I found some of our promotional pics of the prototype in the same batch with the TS-40.  Now for even more bonus points, can anyone identify any elements that may have come from either RCA or Ampex?
> <HCSTV Chisnor1 sml.jpg>
> <HCSTV Chisnor3 sml.jpg>
> <HCSTV Chisnor4 sml.jpg>
> Don Norwood
> Digitrak Communications, Inc.
> www.digitrakcom.com
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