[QuadList] Vital... Gainesville

Don Norwood dwnorwood at embarqmail.com
Mon Feb 28 22:20:13 CST 2011

You're on a roll David.  It was indeed a Riker.  It was missing one of the pattern waveform modules, so we built one to replace it.  Thinking back on those days, I'm kind of amazed how much I got done compared to today's projects that seem to take forever!

What was the story with Riker and Richmond Hill?  All the Riker products were blue and Richmond Hill were beige, but otherwise they were the identical devices.  I have an undated Richmond Hill catalog and lots of Riker ads, but don't see any mention of their relationship.  Did RH buy out Riker?

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: David Crosthwait 
  To: Quad List 
  Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 11:00 PM
  Subject: Re: [QuadList] Vital... Gainesville

    Now for bonus points, who knows what the SEG is?  Riker?

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