[QuadList] Super Bowl I Videotape-Could an Armed Forces Network bicycle tape be in some dark warehouse?

C. Park Seward park at videopark.com
Mon Feb 7 12:12:14 CST 2011

Hi Bill,

I saw one of those ACR-225s at AFN in Frankfurt on a visit. It was off-line. You know the interchange problems those decks had and getting four to be exactly the same was next to impossible. 

Some may not know that the track format was to have the audio channels at the ends of the tape tracks and the video in the middle. That meant that the heads would have to very quickly center on the audio track to reproduce the sound. If format was off, you'd get garbled audio. It was thought that it would have been better to put the video tracks first since they might be able to recover data better due to the jumbled RTZ format and the redundancy of the video signal itself.

DigiBeta has the audio in the middle of the tracks.

Unfortunately for Ampex, their fine component digital deck released later was not successful. DigiBeta ruled.

I know that phonograph records made by AFRTS were destroyed when they shut down a station. One of the deals with the program producers was that the media would not be released to the public and would remain government property. I bet the kines were destroyed too.

The huge Frankfurt was destroyed when the stations went digital. Some were sent to the LOC but most were dupes and not saved.

I will ask what happened to the AVR-1 from Ramstein. This pic is from 1975.


C. Park Seward
Cell: 818-535-2747
Home: 541-476-6657
2" Quad and 1" "C" transfers
Visit us: http://www.videopark.com

On Feb 6, 2011, at 3:13 PM, Bill Carpenter wrote:

> In the 90's they also bought ACR-225's for some places in Europe, and Italy was the first of 5 units.

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