[QuadList] Vital... Gainesville

Chuck Reti cwreti at gmail.com
Sun Feb 27 19:01:00 CST 2011

On Feb 27, 2011, at 5:20 PM, David Crosthwait <david at dcvideo.com> wrote:

> Saw the Vital switchers at KTVT, Fort Worth and at KLTV, Tyler. Never ran one though at the places I worked (including KLTV). I had great (?) times with the Sarkes-Tarzian, CDL,  and RCA TS 40 before going to an all GVG operation.

I never had the "pleasure" of using a Vital. Did use some ISI (Gainesville) product, and also American Data (worst-construction-ever. From Alabama, maybe).
Also did TS 40, an even older TS 20, and CDLs. No Sarkes switcher, but I remember from first NABs I went to that S-T seemed to have a new silly wipe pattern or two every year. I spent a few days at ST Bloomington IN in '74. My employer had bought their last 
"Polychrome" cameras and I was the lucky one to get the factory training. The enhancer level control was actually labelled "Pizzazz." <roll eyes>

Chuck Reti
Detroit MIl

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