[QuadList] Vital... Gainesville

David C. Crosthwait david at dcvideo.com
Sun Feb 27 22:17:41 CST 2011


TS 20? Did it pass color, or was that before the need?

One of the stations I worked for in Texas had a Sarkes M/C,  
Production, and Router. The M/C was probably the least worrisome. The  
router had cross-talk, necessitating a lot of patching around. This  
was the mid seventies. Later at another job, I had to switch the noon  
news (at  VHF station in Hollywood no less) on a TS 40, in a truck  
parked in the station parking lot, while also shading one of the two  
PE 350's. Needless to say, it was an old unit that used to do boxing  
matches etc. in it's hey day, now relegated to non-critical newscasts.  
The chroma keyer was archaic, but worked.

At that point in my life, the closest I got to a Grass Valley switcher  
was the full sized poster of the 1600 7-G, hanging on the wall in my  
office at home.

I don't know when Sarkes-Tarzian died.


Quoting Chuck Reti <cwreti at gmail.com>:

> On Feb 27, 2011, at 5:20 PM, David Crosthwait <david at dcvideo.com> wrote:
>> Saw the Vital switchers at KTVT, Fort Worth and at KLTV, Tyler.   
>> Never ran one though at the places I worked (including KLTV). I had  
>>  great (?) times with the Sarkes-Tarzian, CDL,  and RCA TS 40  
>> before  going to an all GVG operation.
> I never had the "pleasure" of using a Vital. Did use some ISI   
> (Gainesville) product, and also American Data   
> (worst-construction-ever. From Alabama, maybe).
> Also did TS 40, an even older TS 20, and CDLs. No Sarkes switcher,   
> but I remember from first NABs I went to that S-T seemed to have a   
> new silly wipe pattern or two every year. I spent a few days at ST   
> Bloomington IN in '74. My employer had bought their last
> "Polychrome" cameras and I was the lucky one to get the factory   
> training. The enhancer level control was actually labelled   
> "Pizzazz." <roll eyes>
> Chuck Reti
> WV8A
> Detroit MIl
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