[QuadList] Another Jeporady Question-Quads not made by Ampex orRCA

Chill315 at aol.com Chill315 at aol.com
Mon Mar 21 09:23:51 CDT 2011

I also have some information on the Shibaden machines and they used the  
clones of Ampex Amtec, Colortec, and Velcomp in some machines.  
Chris Hill
In a message dated 3/21/2011 10:14:34 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
bill.spencer at northstarstudios.tv writes:

I  used to have a Shibaden catalog from the 70s that showed their quads and 
they  looked to be RCA clones if not rebadged RCA. 
Bill  Spencer 
NorthStar  Studios, Inc. 
3201  Dickerson Pike 
Nashville,  TN 37207 
(615)  650-6610 
CP  (615) 445-5616
From:  quadlist-bounces at quadvideotapegroup.com  
[mailto:quadlist-bounces at quadvideotapegroup.com] On Behalf Of Ted  Langdell
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2011 8:28 AM
To: Quad  List
Subject: Re: [QuadList] Another Jeporady Question-Quads not  made by Ampex 

2" Quads:

Bosch               (Germany)
Visual/Allen     (Bosch transport and heads from Germany w/Visual/Allen 
Electronics from  US)
Shibaden                      (Japan)
TAMCO                       (Japanese partnership btw. Ampex and Toshiba 
making Ampex designed  machines in Japan)

1" Quad:
Asaka (Japan) Company also known  as Asaka/ShibaSoku

Sony, NHK made 2" Quad prototypes in  Japan.

I suspect there are more to be found.  The hunt  continues!  (We need some 
Japanese QuadList  members!)

On Mar 21, 2011, at 5:56 AM, _Chill315 at aol.com_ (mailto:Chill315 at aol.com)   

We  all know the Ampex and RCA machines.  A number of us have seen other  
machines in use.  So the question of the day  is.

What  other manufactures built quad machine?  

The  answer can not be a refurbished machine that was built on someone 
else's  platform.  I know of two of the manufactures.  I do not know a  third 
one but am aware of the machine.  There may be  more.

Answers  can not include prototypes.

Chris  Hill

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Ted Langdell
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