[QuadList] Mid-week Time Waster (Quiz)

Trevor Brown videovault at sky.com
Thu Mar 31 04:18:16 CDT 2011

Sorry Chris I cannot remember any more of the Star Wars howler

I was probably on the floor doubled up laughing 


I have not laughed as much as when Clint Eastwood set of a tape to pretend
his radio station was on air while he drove somewhere

Big NAB take up spool  but a very small supply spool running at 15ips  doubt
if he would have got down the stairs before it ran out

(play misty for me)


Not a movie buff but you do tend to notice perhaps what the public does not



UK member 


From: quadlist-bounces at quadvideotapegroup.com
[mailto:quadlist-bounces at quadvideotapegroup.com] On Behalf Of W4wj at aol.com
Sent: 31 March 2011 00:00
To: quadlist at quadvideotapegroup.com
Subject: Re: [QuadList] Mid-week Time Waster (Quiz)


AH...  A remote!!  ;-)



Don Murray, W4WJ
Fredericksburg, Texas

Retired from 40 years in Miami TV
35+ years at NBC O&O WTVJ 


In a message dated 3/30/2011 4:46:09 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
Chill315 at aol.com writes:

Now the only beer that I will consume is Red Stripe.  You have to send me to
my favorite bar for that.




Named after Delroy Roach.


It is at the corner of Scumba and Delroy in Negril, Jamaica.


Chris Hill



In a message dated 3/30/2011 4:14:26 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
david at dcvideo.com writes:



Correct answer again. We owe you a beer!


Trevor, I'm not a movie trivia buff, but who's switcher and who's hand
pulled the fader in that famous scene? Perhaps Ed already has this exact
switcher (GVG 1600?) in his desert museum already. Perhaps a recreation is
needed using a TS 40 and the handle does not travel smoothly with a
different outcome to the movie.







On Mar 30, 2011, at 6:17 AM, Trevor Brown wrote:


The problem with the RCA production switcher is you can only mix video

With the GVG kit you can blow up the Death Star as all Star Wars fans know



UK Member



From: quadlist-bounces at quadvideotapegroup.com
[mailto:quadlist-bounces at quadvideotapegroup.com] On Behalf Of David
Sent: 30 March 2011 13:53
To: Quad List
Subject: [QuadList] Mid-week Time Waster (Quiz)



For the RCA fans to guess at, what is the model number of this advanced
piece of electronic wizardry?




David Crosthwait

DC Video

Archived Media Transfer and Re-mastering Services


177 West Magnolia Blvd.

Burbank, CA. 91502


818-563-1177 (fax)

818-285-9942 (cell)



 <http://www.dcvideo.com/> WWW.DCVIDEO.COM



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