[QuadList] AVR2 TBC's

John john at jmit.com.au
Thu May 10 18:47:59 CDT 2012

After seeing the photo of those poor AVR2's, I thought that maybe the card
chassis may be salvageable. I remember at ABC (Australia) that we had 2 AVR2
TBC's set up as buffers for remote truck feeds. The trucks were equipped
with Rubidium standards on their SPG's and the TBC's took up the slack
timing wise. This was in the mid to late 70's before we switched to Ausat.
Any of these TBC only units still around and did Ampex sell many ? Our
Studios also had Rubidium standards as well.
Creations Unlimited
John Miller
creationsunlimited at jmit.com.au
0477 083 730
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