[QuadList] OT: Lost tapes - moon landing

Dennis Ray Wingo wingod at earthlink.net
Thu May 3 11:34:49 CDT 2012

It is my understanding that the fellow's father bought the tape at a surplus sale, along with thousands of other tapes, in the 1970's.

What NASA tried to do is to claim that the government still owned the tape.  

The ruling was that the tape was legitimately bought in a surplus sale and whatever the contents are on the tape are the property of the purchaser.


On May 3, 2012, at 9:18 AM, C. Park Seward wrote:

> Interesting point about the ownership of the tape. I thought any images created by NASA would be in the public domain. When I was a DJ in the Army, all my shows were considered in the public domain, not that anyone would want to use them!
> How could he own a government tape or a copy?
> Best,
> Park

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