[QuadList] OT: 1" Type-B format question

Don Norwood dwnorwood at embarqmail.com
Mon Apr 2 09:05:55 CDT 2012

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Dean"

>I have just looked at my head block and the A3 track is on the lower edge 
>of the stack, nearest the deck plate, two further considerations, the 
>control track head is on the Video Head  and the tape is wound oxide out on 
>the supply reel, ( like the take up on a VPR2 !).

Hi David:

Thanks for the confirmation!  I was about 99.9% sure that was the case after 
I figured out that the tape had been wound improperly.  If it had arrived 
with the oxide out, it would have been obvious that it was probably Type-B, 
but the A-wind had me puzzled.

Type-A machines are like the VPR-1 & 2 in that they have A-wind for the 
supply reel and B-wind for the take-up.  I have gotten a couple of Type-A 
tapes that arrived B-wind due to being stored tails-out, so the wind isn't 
an absolute indication of format, but in most cases it is.

When you say that the CT head is on the Video Head, I assume that you mean 
it is a stationary head mounted at the drum, and not a part of the rotating 
scanner?  It does seem that the track placement between A1 & A2 is unusual. 
I wonder what the reason for that might have been?

Don Norwood
Digitrak Communications, Inc.

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